Read Exodus 38 and Luke 17
He made the basin of
bronze and its stand of bronze from the mirrors of the ministering women who
ministered in the entrance of the tent of the meeting. Exodus 38:8 So you also,
when you have done all that you were commanded, say, we are unworthy servants,
we have only done what is our duty. Luke 17:10.
William McDonald writes in his Believer’s Bible Commentary, “The laver was made from the bronze
mirrors of the serving women. Glorification of self gave way to service for
I met Bill McDonald once. He was not an impressive man. I
can’t remember how he dressed. His glasses were not too out of date. He was
thoroughly amused by the corny stories of the high school principal at whose
house he was spending the night. We talked some about spiritual things, but
what he contributed to the conversation was not particularly noteworthy. He just sort of fit in with everyone else socializing
around the kitchen table that evening.
As a kid I remember doing one of his Emmaus Correspondence
on the book of Acts. It was rated as an adult level course, but I could
understand it and I think I answered all the questions correctly. That was because McDonald’s writings are all
about clarity. He wrote so clear, a kid could understand.
My inspiration for this blog, Each day in the Word, is William McDonald’s daily
devotional book, One Day at a Time.
Each of McDonald’s 365 devotionals made one good point, something to ponder
from the Scriptures that would stick with me throughout the day. Ever since I read his
devotional book, I’ve not been able to find another where I could get that
one good point.
When I was in college I sang in a gospel rock-n-roll band.
Once we performed before over 7000 kids in Evansville, IN. We had that place on
fire! What an incredible rush looking out into the faces of such a mob, so
enthralled with our performance! When the concert was over, kids were asking
for my autograph. “I can handle this,” I thought to myself. But then, back at
our hotel as all the adrenaline left our systems, we in the band were just sort
of crabby at each other. I found my book and hid myself away. My 15 minutes of glory, it wasn't worth much
William McDonald died six years ago. I read two memorials to
him. Neither mentioned his incredible writings. I suppose that was because he
was not an incredible writer; though he did write an incredible number of books. Each of the books he wrote plainly and clearly glorified his Lord and Savior. I’m guessing that though he may have enjoyed writing, he made a job out of it,
working at it hour after hour, day after day, year after year.
The women who served at the entrance of the Tabernacle apparently
were the same way. They just kept at their work, day after day. And when the
call went out for mirrors that could be melted down to make the laver, they
thought, “We haven’t used these things for years. Who has time to look
at themselves?” To give up their mirrors was no sacrifice to them. It
was their privilege.
As we are faithful in doing what the Lord puts before us, others glorify our Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Question: What is the job He has given you to be faithful at day after day?
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