Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today you will be with me V

I’m  a bit of a loner. I can only be around people for so long. Then I have to get away by myself. 

But I’m quick to feel lonely.

That’s a dilemma. I’m a loner who doesn’t like to be alone.

As the years have gone by in our marriage, more and more my wife and I find contentment in being alone—together. To give a different take on Billy Joel’s song, being with my wife is “better than being alone.” (Or did his song say, "drinking alone?" Regardless, being with my wife is better.)

A distinction of the gospel of Luke is all the single connections our Lord made with people—including the one thief. He promise him, “You will be with me in paradise.”

To be alone with the Lord Jesus for all eternity--it sounds like paradise to me!

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