Read Ex 23, Matt 25
A very special quality of the Jewish people is when they
look at a passage of Scripture, they study it so as to understand all its
ramifications. That is why they have rabbis and the Talmud. If God said
something, they wanted to be very careful to fully obey what He said. The
greatest explainer of the ramifications of the Scriptures was the Lord Jesus. Especially in His
Sermon on the Mount, He taught what each of God’s laws fully meant. For
example: Jesus said, “You have heard it said, ‘Do not murder for anyone who
murders will be subject to the judgment.’ But I tell you, anyone who is angry
with his brother will be subject to the judgment.”
In Exodus 23:19 we read, “Do not cook a young goat in its
mother’s milk.” From this command, the Jewish people derive a significant part of
their kosher laws. Being kosher is very important to the Jewish people. If a
person does not keep kosher, his claim to Jewishness is deemed suspect. The
ramification of this verse mean that every good Jewish kitchen has one set of
cooking pots and utensils for cooking meat, and one set of pots and cooking
utensils for anything else, for anything else might possibly have some sort of
milk product in it. One might think the directive, “Do not cook a young goat in
its mother’s milk,” has nothing to say to today’s Jewish person. But instead its ramifications affect them very significantly.
Also in Exodus 23, we read in verse 9: “Do not oppress the
alien. You yourselves know how it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens
in Egypt.” Again, this is a law the Jewish people have taken very seriously.
From my cursory knowledge of early history, I wonder if there has ever been a
tribal group who so quickly received the alien into their community. Within a
very short time, the alien became indistinguishable from any other Israelite.
Much more than kosher, I believe assimilation is what once, paradoxically, defined
the Jewish people. E.g. Rahab, Ruth, David’s mighty men, those who returned
from Babylon.
We as Christian Believers do not subscribe to the kosher
laws. As they are not commented upon in the New Testament, we accept that this
prohibition is specifically for the Jewish people.
But the first thing we see in the formation of the early church was the need to
fully accept the aliens—who happen to be us, as almost all of us are the Gentiles (all the people who were not part of God's chosen community). Like Israel, we are obligated to remember that once we were aliens, those “separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to
the covenants of promise, without hope and without God.” Eph 2:12
The Lord Jesus tells us in His most poignant of parables, “I
was a stranger and you took me in.” He says that to those who will be welcomed
into His Kingdom. But to those who will be eternally excluded he says, “I was a
stranger and you did not invite me in.” The writer of Hebrews tells us, “Do not
forget to entertain strangers, for some people without knowing it have
entertained angels unawares.”
Very clearly from these passages we understand that we as
Believers are obligated to be supportive of any international person in our
neighborhoods, our schools, or in our churches. Never are we allowed to
despise, or behave hatefully towards strangers and foreigners.
But are further ramifications that we are reasonably
expected to understand from these alien/stranger laws? How do we behave towards
those who are not part of our own special group? And might we sometimes form
our own little group because it makes us feel good about our own personal worth
when there are others outside who long to be a part of it?
When I was a young boy I had a best
friend whose name was Jay. He and I were the same age, and our families were at
our chapel whenever the doors were open. There was another boy who also was our age
and was always at the chapel. Resourceful kids that we were, Jay and I came up with an incredibly fun
game. We called it ‘ditch.’ Here’s how it worked. Jay and I would chum up to
this kid. Then, at a given signal, we would both take off running in different
directions and meet up at a prearranged destination. Much to our satisfaction,
this ditched boy would always run after one of us. But with enough twists
and turns through the people at church and through the parking lot and down the
basements (our church had two basements) the one he was chasing would eventually
elude him and then would come to our prearranged place. Did this third boy cry?
I don’t know. We weren’t around to see. Horrible! Like the Psalmist I cry,
“Remember not the sins of my youth.”
Prayer: Father, forgive us for our continual hard-heartedness.
Show us every day the stranger who we need to include, and who we need to perceive
as if he were the Lord Jesus Himself.
In yesterday’s devotional, Daniel said God’s fairness is treating
people with equality. Today’s devotional is an illustration of that.
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