Friday, March 8, 2013


Written by Matt Lange
Read Philippians chapter 1

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel  without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. Philippians 1:27&28

Paul reminds us of his own sufferings and struggles in letter to the Philippians.

 As I think about conducting myself in a manner worthy of the gospel, I wonder if I could truly do that? To compare myself with the words of my Lord and Savior. To go through my life with the same passion, courage and wisdom that Christ did, after all isn't He the Living Word?

As I sit with aches and pains or am up in a sleepless night, my mind has a tendency to wander. Never very far but more toward those less fortunate than I am. I think of those who have cancer, lost a child, bound to a wheelchair or have been blinded from the colors of life. I find my own "sufferings" to be a matter of perspective. A perspective that sometimes gets clouded with selfishness.

On earth Jesus walked everyday with a knowledge that His goal in life was to be beaten and hung on a cross for something He never did. He went through every day never complaining about what He had to endure. He humbled himself to the point of death on the cross (Phil 2:5 - 8). He had many reasons to become bitter, angry, cold hearted or to just turn his back on mankind and forget the whole purpose of His life on earth.

Perspective? Sure it is. This perspective has helped me plug along in life being thankful for what I have. Things I certainly don't deserve on my own accord. A life now lived, that for a time I wasn't sure was going to happen. I often wonder what this life would be like if I let the one enemy, who opposes me more than any other, have a victory that isn't his to have. Contending as one man for the faith of the gospel is the fight I have chosen to be a part of.

Question:  How is your perspective?

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